Archives par mot-clé : visiteurs

Ramadan 2016 : Explosion de la fréquentation des sites d’informations en ligne

Les chiffres d’audience de la fréquentation des sites d’informations (échantillon baromètre 2015) confirment les tendances observées ces dernières années au cours de la période du jeûne. Une forte augmentation de l’audience globale avec des changements dans les horaires de fréquentation et des supports d’accès (ordinateurs, mobiles et tablettes).
Visites en augmentation de 60%

Sur les trois premiers jours du mois de Ramadan 2016 (1417), les visites ont enregistré une augmentation de 60% par rapport aux trois jours précédents le début du mois de Ramadan.

Les différentes sources du trafic ont contribué à l’augmentation des visites (moteurs de recherche, réseaux sociaux et accès directs), même si la croissance des visites à partir des réseaux sociaux a été plus importante.

Les accès à partir de la Tunisie ont enregistré la croissance la plus importante en comparaison avec les visites provenant notamment de certains pays européens (France et Allemagne principalement).


Entre ordinateurs et mobiles c’est 50/50

Au cours de ces trois premiers jours du mois de Ramadan, la part des supports utilisés pour accéder aux sites d’informations en ligne n’a pas subi de changements importants en comparaison avec la moyenne observée au cours du mois de mai 2016.

En comparaison avec la période précédente, on enregistre une légère baisse de la part mobile au profit des ordinateurs (desktop), une tendance déjà constatée l’année dernière au cours du mois de Ramadan (voir baromètre 2015).

Nous avons également constaté des différences dans la répartition de la part des différents supports utilisés pour accéder aux sites d’informations selon la période de la journée (matin, midi, après-midi et soir).


On passe plus de temps sur Internet

Le temps moyen passé par visite (session) a augmenté de 36% au cours des premiers jours du mois de Ramadan, on passe plus de 13′ par session (visite) sur ordinateur, 2’20 » sur mobile (smartphone) par visite et 3’45 pour les utilisateurs des tablettes.

Le temps moyen passé par session est plus important quand l’internaute accède au site après une recherche (10’06 »), elle est de 7’09 » pour les accès directs et de seulement 4’20 » quand l’accès provient des réseaux sociaux.

Par pays, les accès à partir de la Tunisie enregistrent une augmentation de 19%, à partir de la France le temps moyen passé fait un bond de 118%.


Ramadan, c’est 20 heures d’Internet par jour

La durée des fréquentations des sites d’informations en ligne s’allonge au cours du mois de Ramadan, on passe d’une journée Internet de 8h – 23h à une journée s’étalant de 8h du matin à 3h du matin le lendemain, heure du dernier repas « Shour » avant le début du jeûne.

On a notamment constaté que le niveau de fréquentation peut être aussi élevé à 3h du matin qu’à 9h du matin.


Répartition des niveaux d’acces horaires du mois de mai 2016

(Source: Google analytics – version mobile – Données WMC Portail – Période: 6 au 8 juin 2016)
AMMAR Hechmi

Fondateur groupe IMG Médias

WMC Portail : webmanagercenter, Almasdar, Directinfo, Finance, Le Cercle, GDE)


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how to dress hawaiian styleSo here’s the thing: cutting back on sugar means cutting out processed foods. If you buy and cook food that’s had as little done to it as possible, you’ll eat well and live well. Here’s something else. The sugar in our system doesn’t just come from NFL Jerseys China bars of chocolate and sweet cakes. It comes from food that releases energy quickly, and this includes processed refined carbs, such as white flour, rice and pasta. These foods cause our blood sugar to rise and give us a quick boost but that boost doesn’t last, and eventually these highs and lows cause damage to our systems. Foods that contain lots of fibre, such as green vegetables, release energy more Baratas Ray Ban slowly and that is better for our bodies and our digestion.The other kind of wreck is you’re already laying on the ground trying to figure out what happened. And when you’re laying on the ground and your head hit the ground, you’ll be happy your head was in a helmet. To pick a well fitting helmet there are a couple of things to look for. From the start of her campaign, she has offered a detailed plan on criminal justice reform. And while some people accuse her of pandering when she talks to any African American, there is much evidence to the contrary. Clinton has repeatedly reached out to the black community. She has spoken to black media outlets and talked about African American issues to African American audiences.Of course this would only sort of suck if these creatures, most vulnerable to the rays of our otherwise life giving sun, weren’t also the most sensitive to pain. Seriously. By the way, which country has the world’s highest concentration of redheads? Oh right, Ireland. We suppose it has a better ring to it than « God hates Irish people » but as far as appropriate national slogans go, « The luck of the Irish » isn’t far behind « The easy and high paying jobs of the Mexicans. »I shed a few during the game. And cheap nfl jerseys shop I shed a few after, » Berry said. « So I think I held it together pretty good. »Did he ever.Berry picked off a 2 point conversion throw and returned it 99 yards for the go ahead score with 4 1/2 minutes left, after earlier going 37 yards with an interception for a TD, leading Kansas City to a 29 28 victory over Atlanta.He accounted for eight points all by himself, more than Fake Oakley Sunglasses the output of three entire teams Sunday (Carolina, Miami and San Francisco). »The last time I came home Cheap NFL Jerseys China during the season, it was to get chemotherapy, » said Berry, who had a mass found in his chest late in the 2014 season that turned out to be lymphoma.
And what really scares me is if they get away with it, they might keep tempting fate again and again and again. And it just reinforces this idea that cheap jerseys wholesale the NFL is this unstoppable force.. Using your clear ruler, cutting mat and rotary blade, cut fringe on both of the long sides of the fleece panels. The fringes should measure 2.5 inches long and be spaced 1 inch apart. Word began to spread as his photo was shared on Facebook and Twitter. His friends and neighbors feared the worst: He could be frozen. Besides the positive currency boost, there is another benefit to the structure of Inditex’s supply chain. Because it does most of its manufacturing in Europe, it is less reliant on China. The one area where Africans have caught up to the rest of the world is guns: They don’t have any modern buildings yet, but they’ve figured out how to attach a rocket launcher to the side of a truck. This is only natural, since half the continent’s population consists of corrupt soldiers.. Weight: 311 Star Lotulelei is the definition of a high risk high reward prospect. He is likely the most talented DT in a VERY strong DT class physically. Ads on these apps can be just as effective as commercials or ads online, and so they provide a whole new scope of advertising potential that Disney may address and profit from. Greatest of all is that the company is only at the tip of the iceberg, as they have yet to make deals with all distributors. I remember her saying that the President had been assassinated. I had to ask her what assassinated meant. The Trump campaign provides multiple signposts of this strategy. The idea of Donald Trump wading into a crowd to shake hands and jaw personally with voters is unimaginable; every appearance is crafted for TV. A, Crystal structure (space group I4 of YbRh2Si2. A magnetic field H is applied along the c axis. Proteins should include red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, dried beans and nuts. Starches should include rice, pasta and potatoes. Meeting up with The Huffington Post in cheap nfl jerseys a Manhattan coffee shop on a recent Friday afternoon, Hart’s style is casual. Clad in wholesale china jerseys a bright T shirt and toting big headphones, his answers to questions ranging from drug policy to race are wholesale nfl jerseys blunt. I then look where I want to go and switch my edges. You want to make sure you do that corrective stroke first before you switch edges. Puig was escorted toward center field. Bumgarner thrashed in the arms of his teammates near his own dugout.. And Harbaugh’s been on the other side. The Patriots confused the Ravens during the AFC playoffs in January 2015 with a funky but legal formation with essentially four offensive linemen while the « fifth » lineman was actually a running back in the slot who despite appearances declared himself as ineligible.
However, Wolff says the youngsters are not the biggest threat to Mercedes winning the championship again: that is Ferrari. « You cannot underestimate Ferrari. I think they started the development of this year’s car earlier than us because they wrote off the 2014 season early. They have some clever guys, all the resources they need. I am just sceptical, with a little dose of paranoia, and you have to be. »Top of pageAbstractPresenilin 1 (PS1) plays a critical role in the nervous system development and PS1 mutations have been associated with familial Alzheimer’s disease. PS1 deficient mice exhibit alterations in neural and vascular development and die in late embryogenesis. The present study was aimed at uncovering transcript networks that depend on intact PS1 function in the developing brain. To achieve this, we analyzed the brains of PS1 deficient and control animals at embryonic ages E12.5 and E14.5 using MG_U74Av2 oligonucleotide microarrays by Affymetrix. Based on the microarray data, overall molecular brain development appeared to be comparable between the E12.5 and E14.5 PS1 deficient and control wholesale jerseys embryos. However, in brains of PS1 deficient mice, we observed significant differences in the expression of genes encoding molecules that are associated with neural differentiation, extracellular matrix, vascular development, Notch related signaling and lipid cheap jerseys metabolism. Many of the expression differences between wild type and PS1 deficient animals were present at both E12.5 and E14.5, whereas other transcript alterations were characteristic of only one developmental stage. Analyzing PS1 hypomorphic and wild type (WT) mice with differential display, Liauw et al33 uncovered 19 differentially expressed genes between the two conditions, including robustly decreased expression of Hif1a, delta catenin, and cell division cycle 10, and increased expression of nucleoside diphosphate kinase subunit A.Of course, there are simple ways to adjust to those realities, but there are far reaching implications, too. CJ was crushed to realize he’d never live out childhood fantasies like being a jet pilot or going to space. Because people generally like operators of flying doom machines to be able to see as many things as possible, but also because cheap mlb jerseys he has a newfound fear of heights that he blames on the lost eye. « I have no frame of reference for exactly how far away things are beyond ‘very far,’ » he says. »Trip downtown? Do you have a rocket? »For years, the company has run ads (including many Super Bowl ads) with the « sex sells » angle. Now, in what a spokesperson for the company tells WebProNews is a « permanent shift » away from the GoDaddy girls to a new strategy, they have tapped screen legend Jean Claude Van Damme to spread his legs (in true Jean Claude Van Damme fashion) to sell the « More business. More ready. » angle.
Simple while stylish, it has a fabulous timeless appeal which women everywhere will appreciate. The material of cowhide leather gives the feeling of authentic louis vuitton bags sale comfy and soft. It features delicate stitched detail on the front. Use double sided tape to attach one of the 11 inch (27.94 centimeters) long strips to one of 8 inch (21.59 centimeters) long strips. Be careful not to overlap the ends by too much, or your border won be long enough to wrap around the top of your purse; inch (1.27 centimeters) will be plenty. Repeat with the remaining two pieces.The public’s response to that first encounter worked to the titanium tubing advantage of both schools, and they went out of their way to make sure their rivalry remained consistent with the military values they sought to display on the gridiron. When in the wake of the 1893 game, which drew a crowd of 8,000, animosities between the two academies reached such a fever pitch that a retired rear admiral and a brigadier general came close to fighting a duel, the game was canceled for six years by order of the secretary of war and secretary of the Navy.After the referee signals the beginning of the fight, owners are allowed to shout but not to physically interfere, or the fight is called. The match continues until one dog can no longer fight when a dog refuses to fight or jumps out of the ring, or a serious injury or death occurs. During a match, the referee will call a « turn » when a dog turns away from his opponent. The referee temporarily stops the fight while the dogs go to their handlers. The dogs are then returned to the scratch lines (starting lines) and the fight continues. Cajun Rules also specify other permissible actions during fights, such as letting handlers « unfang » their dogs (remove a dog’s lip that’s stuck on its own teeth) or provide bottled drinks for dogs, which handlers must taste to show that they haven’t been tampered with.CJ:Yeah, I don’t really attribute football with fun. Even when I’ve been involved with in form teams and personally when things are really good, the actual playing of footy for fun is not the word I’d use to describe it. I’d describe it as really satisfying and something that I’m hugely passionate about, but not necessarily fun. Certainly there’s a lot of funny times in the change rooms and, you know, I remember as a young titanium tubing bloke just coming titanium tubing home from the club on Sundays and having been in hysterics all day with the different stories and antics of the other players. But I think that also comes when you’ve had some success both individually and as a club
Hartstein said, « If you look what the girls are looking at and the media puts out to them, thin is the way to be, you are supposed to show your skin and be in skimpy outfits. It’s discounting how good girls can feel in their own skin if they are wearing appropriate clothes. These girls may feel more comfortable and even cheer better, be better on the field they can feel comfortable in their uniforms. »Rennel, Kellen Winslow, and Willie McGinest, and in comes Eric Mangini, who management hopes will be able to spark the Browns back to playoff contention. A lot of personnel has changed with the addition of Mangini, but the « Mangenius » (as he was called briefly in New York) still must find a way to get more production from an underachieving defense, and find a solution to the question of who is their starting quarterback, Derek Anderson or Brady Quinn. Those against the move said it was an appalling example of spoiling envy by the once high and mighty and utterly unscrupulous applied to the unbounded riches of the new plutocracy of Chelsea and Manchester City and one designed not only to claw back some of their old advantages but deny other much less fortunate clubs the chance of rescue by the oligarch or sheikh of their dreams.The next exercise I’m going to demonstrate for you is done on the hammer strength isolateral high roll. So Cheap NFL Jerseys China first thing’s first, you want to adjust the seat pad so that it’s appropriate for you and you want to lift the leg pad until you’re seated properly in the machine. You want to step on the inside, make sure that your seat is adjusted properly for you, and take a seat. You can keep your feet flat on the floor, that’s probably the best option for you. Once you’ve got your feet on the floor, you want to lift the leg pad up and drop it down so that it’s touching your thighs. Reaching up above your head, since this is a high roll, grabbing a hold of the bars, you’re going to exhale and you pull your shoulder blades together, bringing those arms all the way down, elbows diagonal, inhale as you come back up. Exhale, squeezing shoulder blades together, inhale and cheap jerseys wholesale lift, exhale and inhale. Since this is an isolateral high roll, you can do one arm at a time. Exhale and inhale, perfect, exhale and inhale.Another cornerstone of Hartung’s position is that nobody clamors over new product releases from Microsoft any more. I am not suggesting that the release of any Microsoft product grabs the headlines that Apple manages. On the smartphone side, Mr. Softy is way behind to be sure, but on products like Office, while it may not be exciting that a new version is released, it does matter. Users assume it works. Additionally, in the post Ballmer era, as Microsoft looks to build out recurring revenue from Software as a Service with Office 365, updates and releases are continuous. Even Apple does not herald the coming of every upgrade to iOS.
You don’t really have to think about this when pairing wine with savory food, because wine is almost always going to be sweeter than pork, beef or potatoes. The motive force in history, which is one egomaniac’s twitchy drive and then the common man’s desire to be part of a compelling story which is what we were, we just were bit players in Zuckerberg’s story, » Martinez said.. The second session continued in the same vein. MARTIN: In one of the other arguments, though, that people make in the opposite direction is people are leaving school with no other marketable skill other than sports, and wholesale china jerseys they worry that if that sports career doesn’t work out, the student is left with nothing whereas, if they say, well, if they’ve studied something else, at least they have some background in something else. In his book, Sanders cites a Bible passage to support the subjugation of women, one more species of weakling who shouldn’t get uppity. How about this one out of the Sundays St. In contrast, TK deprivation efficiently induced cell death in CGCs expressing c Jun wt proteins. Brean’s boosted its price target on CBS (CBS +0.2%) in a recap that claims the network is « extraordinarily well positioned » in the ongoing media consolidation wave. It’s football, so it’s a physical game. I model for 10 new openings per year into Fy20, giving the company 130 locations by Fy20. This year, the league is considering the elimination of the three point stance, and instituting further protections for defenseless receivers/players. The Super Bowl is a face off between the NFC and AFC leagues (National Football Conference) and (American Football Conference)The game is divided into 4 quarters lasting 15 minutes of playing time each quarter. Josh is the starting quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, whose fans believed a revival was at hand under new coach Lovie Smith.USA TODAYAre NFL seven 2 0 Authentic Jerseys Sale teams the real deal? »It’s awfully frustrating. Since the team acquired seven time Cy Young Award winner Roger Cheap Football Jerseys Clemens, however, all that has changed.. Let me do that again. Puma Thankspring burberry bags outlet deep, celine black friday noisy free running peach, swarovski apricot, pear, burberry cheap football jerseys outlet online no pandora bracelets effort, burberry outlet online gradually ray ban outlet faded, coach factory outlet online and mcm bags this nfl wholesale jerseys china ravens gives it abercrombie and fitch kids a longchamp wonderful swarovski jewelry foot longchamp outlet and ugg australia praise oakley prescription the kanye west shoes land louboutin outlet tightly abercrombie and fitch together.